Your Questions answered about everprime

We've recently shared several articles about our product, EverPrime, on LinkedIn and our website. EverPrime is a biodegradable liquid that keeps the P-trap (also known as the U-trap or J-trap) under drains filled, preventing potentially toxic sewer odors from being released into restrooms and other facility areas.

Since then, we've received many questions about P-traps, plumbing maintenance, and EverPrime. Below, we share some of those questions and their answers with you. 

What happens when drains dry up?

A P-trap is a very practical device installed under almost all drains. As water goes down the drain, a small amount collects in the P-trap, helping prevent sewer gasses from being released into the room or area. However, P-traps can dry up when facilities such as schools or office buildings are closed for long periods or when restrooms or faucets get little or no use.  That’s when sewer odors are released.

What creates the sewer gas?

Sewer gas is formed from decomposing human and animal waste. It contains ammonia, methane, and hydrogen sulfide, all of which can be toxic if inhaled in high concentrations. Many people suffer eye irritation, nausea, or difficulty breathing if they inhale these gasses, and people have died as a result of sewer gas being released into an enclosed area.

Can you just pour some water down the drain if you smell the sewer odors?

Yes, you can, but here's the problem. By the time you smell it, it may be too late. When it comes to sewer odors, it is best to take proactive steps, preventing them from happening in the first place, instead of reactive measures, which deal with the problem after it presents itself.

Who is at risk?

We all are at risk if the situation is dangerous enough. And children may be at even higher risk because they breathe faster than adults.

Are there "levels" of sewer gas concentration?

Excellent question, and yes, there are. Here is what we know.

·       Concentrations of 0.0005 parts per million (ppm) can be detected and smells like burning chemicals or rotten eggs

·       At 0.01, it can cause nausea and eye discomfort.

·       From 0.02 ppm to as high as 20 ppm, can produce headaches, increase heart rates, impact cognitive abilities, and cause muscle coordination.

What steps can we take to prevent this from happening?

Adding water to the drain every day will help. If in a room that is mopped daily that should allow enough water to run down the drain to keep the P-trap from drying up. However, when no water goes down the pipes for days, weeks, or longer, that’s when the sewer odor problems surface. In such cases, a very inexpensive but effective product that can keep the P-trap filled for months is called EverPrime®.  

EverPrime is biodegradable and as we said, very cost-effective.  Only about three ounces of the product need be poured into each drain. Further, EverPrime is not impacted by climate conditions and it lasts for months.

Stay informed and keep your facility smelling fresh with EverPrime!